Day 1

Welcome to the first installment of the 2019 King Space Camp Blog! It's been a very full day - lots of adventure and lots of fun. Not a lot of sleep, but that is about to change.

A few highlights from today:

Your kids miss you - but not too much. One great exchange overheard on the bus went something like this: "Mommy - yeah, I call her mommy when I miss her. I miss her... But when I'm annoyed, I call her 'MOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!'" I'm not sure which kiddo said this, but it was pretty hilarious. Does it sound familiar to you?

Everyone ate well - you might spot your kiddo in the pics below with an almost empty bowl of green beans, and a nice bowl of chocolate ice cream. You'll also see pics of the students working hard to clean up after lunch and being very independent while lugging their belongings upstairs to their rooms. You'll be happy to hear that our children were all kind, courteous, patient and independent, even when plans shifted.

Enjoy the pictures! Many more will follow after a good night's sleep.


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