Day 3

Greetings from Space Camp! Day 3 was sunny, hot and, once again, very busy!

A couple of notes about how things work here - and how you can expect to see and hear from your kiddos - that might be new news to you...

You probably saw via Remind that our whip-smart kiddos have figured out the new Space Camp phone system (installed a couple nights before we arrived), and some students have been calling home. I mention this so that you know not to worry if you miss a call from Space Camp. Your child might just be calling to say hello or ask about where to find their bug spray. Rest assured that if there's an emergency or problem, you will hear from the teachers or Mrs. Halabu.

Another note is that the blog is mostly full of children doing the most unique, photo-worthy activities: space simulators like "5 Degrees of Freedom" or "1/6 Gravity" or simulated space missions. Yesterday, the purple and yellow groups did 3 of those big events. So, those groups were all over yesterday's blog! Other groups will be doing those events on other days. So, if your child left wearing an orange, green, or light blue shirt, you can expect to see more pictures of them today, tomorrow and Thursday.

I hope you're enjoying the pictures!


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